areas The areas which are currently supported: ALAlbania :-) ATAustria :-) BEBelgium :-/ BABosnia Herzegovina :-) BGBulgaria :-) HRCroatia :-) CZCzech Republic :-( DKDenmark :-( EEEstonia :-) FIFinland :-/ MKFormer Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia :-) FRFrance :-( DEGermany :-) GRGreece :-) HUHungary :-/ IEIreland :-) ITItaly :-) XKKosovo :-) LVLatvia :-/ LTLithuania :-) LULuxembourg :-) MEMontenegro :-/ NLNetherlands :-/ NONorway :-/ PLPoland :-( PTPortugal :-( MDRepublic of Moldova :-/ RORomania :-/ RSSerbia :-/ SKSlovakia :-/ SISlovenia :-/ ESSpain :-/ SESweden :-( CHSwitzerland :-/ UKUnited Kingdom :-/